Deaf Outreach & Advocacy
Liberty Resources, Inc. provides services and supports to all people with disabilities, including the deaf, deaf-blind, and hard of hearing communities.
LRI’s services for the deaf, deaf/blind, and hard of hearing include community outreach, advocacy, and information and referral for Pennsylvanians who are deaf, deaf/blind or hard of hearing, their families, friends, neighbors, schools, employers, and others.
Deaf Outreach provides workshops and training to the deaf community, including American Sign Language instruction for deaf and hard of hearing individuals, Videophone instruction, and other offerings. Deaf Outreach can connect you with registered sign-language interpreters, other resources, and events directly related to deafness.
Interpreter Services in Philadelphia
A. Deaf-Hearing Interface (DHI): call or text Julie Gould Marothy at 215-771-6061
B. Deaf-Hearing Communication Centre: call 610-604-0452 or email
C. The Communication Connection, Inc.: 610-272-4948
D. Sign Language Interpreter Services: Rita Jo Scarcella at 1-856-522-9774 or
E. Deaffinition and Interpreter: Jennifer Harley at 302-563-7714
Computer & Videophone Services
Liberty Resources has a computer and a Videophone that consumers can use Monday through Friday from 9:00 to 4:30 PM. They are located on the 6th floor.
Realize Your Rights
The best form of advocacy is self-advocacy backed by education and awareness. Do not ever give up fighting for your rights! The deaf, deaf/blind, and hard of hearing community must be well aware of the Americans with Disabilities Act and laws that protect our civil rights. In addition, one must know how to exercise those rights. Liberty Resources can help.
Check out the Advocacy page on the website for upcoming movements and events, and for ways to get involved.